Gift Wrapping

Gift Wrapping with Paper Napkins

Paper napkins come in so many fancy colours and beautiful patterns. Therefore they make for wonderful gift wrap as well and not just during Christmas time.


Santa napkin, gift wrap, Christmas

These Meri Meri Santa napkins are unbelievably cute. However they are not very practical as napkins. But they look absolutely lovely as decorations on Christmas presents, goodie bags, or with a gift card tucked in between.


napkin, gift wrap, Christmas, turquoise
napkin, gift wrapping, Christmas, turquoise

Here are two small presents wrapped in turquoise. The plain napkin was adorned with a beautiful rich brown satin bow. The smaller box had part of it foil stamped in gold. No extra enhancement needed.


napkin, gift wrapping, Christmas, yellow

And lastly a pattern that does not look like Christmas at all. However, that does not really matter. With a little tinsel it can pass though.